Despite it being the mandate of the government to distribute free exercise books to all public primary schools, they do not reach schools in far-flung communities, forcing them to write on cardboard boxes, if at all and sometimes forcing them to sit out of school.
Due to the level of poverty in these areas, it is seldom a priority for parent to buy books for their children, as they have more immediate needs. Over and above that, the shops in the area do not even stock learning material, as they have more urgent and fast-moving basic supplies to stock up on with their limited capital.
So far, the Ajuma Exercise Book project has reached over 12,000 children in marginalized schools across the country within the counties of Turkana, Isiolo, Samburu, Kwale, Uasin Gishu, West Pokot, Kajiado and Machakos.
Provide learning materials to children in rural Kenya, term upon term through donors and partners.
Connect the younger generation to their Vanishing Kenyan Culture through regalia and language.
Sell Ajuma Exercise Books in the urban market where each book bought will see one donated to a child in rural Kenya.
Develop infrastructure within these schools – that often get forgotten due to their extremely marginalized locations
Ajuma Exercise Books come in two sizes; A4 for upper primary and A5 for lower primary school children in 120pages each. Each child requires 8 books per term, one for each subject.
Turkana A4 Exercise Book | Turkana A5 Exercise Book | Swahili A4 Exercise Book | Swahili A5 Exercise Book | Maasai A4 Exercise Book |
Samburu A5 Exercise Book | Kikuyu A5 Exercise Book | Kikuyu A4 Exercise Book | Maasai A5 Exercise Book | Samburu A4 Exercise Book |